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PHNIX provides customers professional tech-training in Turkish market

Date: 2015-11-24 00:00:00 Hits: 2185

ISTANBUL,Turkey - PHNIX annual customer visiting and technical training in the Turkishmarket were held here from Nov. 18th to Nov. 26th, 2015. Theagents who received technical training mainly are mainly cooperation partnerspurchasing PHNIX house heating heat pumps, according to PHNIX senior productmanager in charge of Turkey's market.

PHNIX provides customers professional tech-training in Turkish market

Thepicture shows the training site.

Itis reported that the customer visiting and technical training are of great importanceto both PHNIX and our Turkish customers. Mr Peter Wang, PHNIX executive assistantin charge of overseas business led the visiting-team to Turkey in person. Aftercompleting a series of technical training, PHNIX team visited some localcontractors and users, engaging and guiding after-sales service of house-heatingheat pumps.

Turkeyis one of the fastest-growing big emerging markets for PHNIX, and PHNIX hasbeen operating Turkish market and providing co-brand service to some localbusiness partners for years. Through years of unremitting efforts, PHNIX hasbasically established marketing channels and after-sales service system inTurkey.